Blogs > Lighten Up with Cathy Malady

Cathy Malady of Mentor wants to feel better in her clothes, and finally fit into those elusive size-10 jeans.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

WEEK 27 Last Blog

The Lighten Up in 2014 News Herald diet contest has change my life. I began the contest with the hopes of fitting into a size 10 jeans. Little did I know how much more the contest would give me. Throughout the last six months I have had to look into myself, be held accountable and accept the fact that healthy living is a lifestyle. I want to thank the News Herald, Lean Living, YMCA, Lake County General Health District, Aladdin’s, Second Sole of Mentor and all of the special people who have worked behind the scenes to make this happen. To all my fellow contests I say… It is now time for us to be accountable to ourselves. Lets not waste this precious gift we have all been given. As I sit here today in my size 10 jeans I am reminded that there really is no food that tastes as good as thin feels.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Well …the 4th of July has come and gone. I remember saying that I was going to eat everything I wanted just in the right proportions. I got the everything part down but not the portions part. I know that I have changed my eating habits but when it comes to a holiday or a special event I totally lose it. It must be ingrained in me that party = food fest. Of course I feel bummed now because I have back peddled. Back on the horse. Everyday is a new day. Good Luck to all in these final days. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Cook out today. The usual fare..ribs, burgers, hot dogs, potato salad, pasta salad, baked beans, corn-on-cob, watermelon and banana pudding. Not good for being a few weeks away from final weigh in. Always so hard to resist these comfort foods. I will remember what Jamie from Lean and Living said “ You can eat anything you want just the right size portions” Hmmm. Will see. Hope all can get through this Holiday weekend without too much damage.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


With one month to go we are nearing the Finish Line. The finish line for the contest that is….but not the finish line for us. As we all know by being in the contest healthy eating is a lifestyle. We have learned that portion control and exercise is key to weight maintenance. We have all experienced by now how good it feels to be a little thinner and more comfortable in our clothes.  We have all worked so hard to get to this point. Let’s surpass the finish line of the contest and keep up with our programs. We may be the ones who can return next year to tell and show the 2015 contestants that it really is possible to lose weight and maintain it. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014


I am frustrated that my scale is going up instead of down. I have cut my portions in half, increased my water intake and doubled my exercise time. I am afraid it is time for me to face the undeniable fact that beer consumption is my albatross. I have been avoiding this change like the plague since the start. I remember one of the previous winners telling me at the beginning of the contest that… “The beer must go in order to lose weight.” I did not want to believe him but he was right. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014


I stumbled across the CDC (Center for Disease Control) website and found this BMI table. The website has a calculator that you can type in your height and weight to find your BMI number.

Weight Status
Below 18.5 Underweight
 18.5—24.9 Normal 
25.0—29.9 Overweight
30.0 and Above Obese

I did not like what I saw. It shows me that I still have much work to do. I am only halfway there. But I doubt that I would have gotten this far without this contest and the dedicated inspiring people in it. Its been a long haul for us all but we need to keep going….we will get there…we will reach our goals. PS Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there…Enjoy your day.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


May results are in. Looks like my cruising days are over. Seeing the progress of my fellow partners makes me realize how idle I have become. Looks like it’s time for the Y and I to become best friends. Congrats to first and second place contestants you so deserve it. You are an inspiration to us all.